Scott is out of town at the racetrack this weekend. So the kids and I went over to a friend's house to do our weekly Financial Peace University video and discussion. The boys were playing in Collin's room, and Claire was tottering around the living room, not trying very hard but looking adorable.
All of a sudden, we heard a strange cry from the back room. We stopped the video and got up to go see what was going on. We were met with a hysterical Cade with blood in his mouth.
Immediately, I fought back panic as I tried to assess what happened. It was difficult to get a clear view; all I could see was that one of Cade's baby teeth had been knocked completely backwards and looked like it was lying flat on the bottom of his mouth. Yikes! I assumed that there had been some pretty good gum trauma.
Off to the urgent care office we go!
Cade cried all the way to the office. Although he did pause a few seconds to ponder how much money the Tooth Fairy would leave him. And he then mentioned that one of his friends had hit him in the face with a ... wait for it... a pillow. How would a pillow knock someone's tooth back? Made me curious too. Drama then resumed to a high level.
I'll spare you the gory details of my hyper-scared child in a foreign doctor office. I'll mention that I did have to hold Cade down. And I'll leave it at that.
The bottom line to the story: Cade lost his baby tooth. The tooth that I had seen was his permanent tooth coming in. Apparently, the baby tooth had been loose. And a swift slug of the pillow to his face must have made it pop out. Cade had never mentioned that he had a loose tooth (an important note: Cade is NOT excited about having loose teeth or having them fall out). Because of the location of this new tooth that's coming in, I believe that orthodontics are firmly in our future.
Bonus: the two teeth on both sides of the missing one are loose too!
By the time we got home (after going back to our friend's house, finding the tooth in their luxurious but incredibly shaggy frieze carpet, and getting Jack & Claire loaded up in the van) Cade was pretty exhausted. But he humored me by letting me take a pic of him. My baby is growing up!
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