
Monday, February 15, 2010

Update on the Potty Party

So it's been a week and a half since I first started potty training Claire. And I have to say, she's doing a GREAT job. She's had very few accidents and happily sits in her little potty when asked to. She's not telling us yet when she needs to go, so we're going by the clock and when she starts to do the unmistakable wiggle. So far so good! She's even going potty at school and at church (they both of little real potties that are low to the ground)! YEA! Two kids down, one to go.

Jack is going to be a whole other animal. Thankfully, Scott is sparing me that job and will be taking off two days to make a four day weekend of potty training H*E*L*L. I wish him well and will be praying for success. But I'm not too optimistic. The physical delays, the sensory issues, the weak core muscles... well, let's just say I'm not expecting too much. But Jack's got to be potty trained to go to kindergarten in the Fall. And I want him to go to kindergarten in the Fall!

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