
Friday, February 14, 2014

That Week that Things Went Haywire {week 20}

The leak business was still going on during this week.  We received clarification on where the leak is, and they indeed had to drill inside the house (and rip out some lower cabinets and countertop).  Ugh.  BUT the silver lining is that the insurance company will sand all of our wood floors and restain and seal them (in addition to putting our kitchen back together)!  WOOT! 

Monday  We went to CC as usual on Monday.  And it was a good day despite the dreary weather (cold and misting).  NOTE TO SELF: submit my paperwork for CC for next year before it's too late.  Yes, we are going to do CC again next year.  And yes, it will be at the same campus.  

Tuesday Tuesday was a relatively quiet day at our house regarding the leak.  No jackhammering.  No loud extraneous noises.  So we were able to do school at home. We started on time and had reasonably positive attitudes.  One kiddo got frustrated to the point of tears; i think this kiddo just doesn't like to write.  The physical act of writing is either tiring, difficult, or something.  Once the frustration passed, things were fine.  Even though things got better, by the lunch time, I was done.  We had contractors in and out throughout the day, discussing the different option we have for fixing the leak.  And since neither my mom nor I are plumbers, I had to do a crash course in fixing copper pipes under slabs.  A little stressful.

Wednesday  We got started on time Wednesday.  The kids, however, were easily distracted.  It didn't help that a carpenter was taking out one of our lower cabinets downstairs, complete with loud drill, hammer tapping a crowbar, etc.  We managed to get quite a bit done.  Then came piano lessons.  And then more discussion with the plumber and faxing the proposal to the insurance company for approval {side note: At some point in the leak/tunneling/fixing process, we are going to have to stay in a hotel.  The kitchen will be sealed off and therefore unusable.  SO the insurance company will put us up in a hotel and pay for 2 meals a day.} Then back to school.  At 5pm, one kiddo still hadn't finished their schoolwork.  Aarrrg.

Thursday Sooo.  Where do I begin regarding Thursday?

I found myself in the ER early Thursday morning with what turned out to be a gall stone.  I'd been having infrequent attacks over the last several months but always chalked up the pain and vomiting to my dinners not sitting well in my stomach for some reason.  Apparently I was wrong.  After waking up to stomach pain at 2:30 AM, I vomitted for several hours (usually throwing up makes the pain go away).  But the pain never really decreased.  Scott had to leave at 4:15 AM to take someone to the airport, so I was alone for most of the time (everyone else was still sleeping).  I started to kind of freak out because the pain wasn't going away and I was SOOO tired.  I called Scott around 6:30 and said I was still in pain and didn't know what to do.  He said he'd come home and take me to the hospital.  At this point, I started feeling silly. While my pain was constant and pretty miserable, it wasn't like I felt like I was dying from the inside out.  But Scott insisted I go to the hospital.  And I'm glad I did.  The ER doc said I was a textbook case of gall stones.  A sonogram of my organs agreed with the doc.  So a laproscopic surgery is in my future.  Came home around 10 AM to handle more leak business, including dealing with the insurance adjuster who was being difficult and making my mom upset.

Headed to a hotel that night since the plumber sealed up our kitchen in preparation for drilling through the slab in the kitchen.  Humph.

Friday The kids and I went to the Perot Museum of Nature & Science on Friday.  What a fabulous place!  It was a little chaotic because there were so many public school kids there on field trips.  But it was still a marvelous place.  I was still feeling pretty puny and tired from the previous days travails.  While we left a little earlier than the rest of our CC group, we had a wonderful time.

General Thoughts  I have no general thoughts this week other than I WANT IT TO BE ANOTHER WEEK ALREADY.  This week was the pits.  I'm looking forward to things getting back to normal hopefully by the end of next week.

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