
Friday, May 27, 2011

Whoa, Time Flies -- Jack Graduates

It seems I've been living life and forgetting to blog!  So sorry to the 4 people who read this.  :)

A lot has been going on in this neck of the woods.  But I'll update you guys on that a little later.  Right now, I wanted the focus to be on Jack Jack.  He's graduating from kindergarten! 

I'm so proud of this little guy.  He has grown (unfortunately not vertically, just emotionally) by leaps and bounds this year.  His anxiety has reduced some, and he is learning that he can get through scary situations if he's brave.  He made this momma so proud when, in describing a scary (for him) experience, Jack mentioned that he thought about King David and how God was with him when he fought Goliath. 

Jack remembered God's Word to help him through his scary situation!

I was so proud of Jack when he told me about that experience.  He has made friends this year and really come out of his shell. 

We are so proud of our little guy!

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