
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Funny Face

Isn't that a Barbara "Demo-Nazi" Streisand movie? Anyway...

Cade has this new fascination with making silly faces for any picture he is in. He'll strike an awkward pose along with a silly face and beg for his picture to be taken. And of course we are happy to oblige. It's just good blackmail ammo for later! (Note to self: show this picture to Cade's prom date)


Scott said...

I think that is the Garland in Cade coming out. He's showing off his first gang sign! REPRESENT CADE, REPRESENT!

M. Robert Turnage said...

Not to be a super-nerd, but Funny Face is a pretty good movie starring Audrey Hepburn. Funny Girl and Funny Lady are the Streisand movies that strike fear into the hearts of millions.

Maybe Cade has a future as a sign language interpreter...

scott * nicole * cade * jack * claire said...

d'oh! my bad on the Babs movie. how could i EVER get her confused with the lovely Audrey Hepburn?!?