Well hello there. I'm back for the wrap-up of Week 2 in our journey of homeschooling. And we're still all alive. So there's that!
After the disastrous start to homeschooling last week, this week could only be better, right? Right! And it was. Better, that is. Thank You, God.
CC (Classical Conversations) went well, although the Essentials class that Cade is taking makes my brain smoke. Lots of things to memorize: 4 sentence structures, 4 sentence purposes, 5 parts of a sentence, 7 sentence patterns. And that's just the "112 Sentence Classifications" chart. Then there's the Verb anatomy chart. Trust me; it's a lot to memorize. BUT. Cade (and I) will know his grammar backwards and forwards.
School at home the rest of the week went pretty well. We're still fighting some bad attitudes (mainly in one kiddo). But the threat of assigning them more work if attitudes didn't improve seemed to work wonders. All of a sudden, kids were almost eager to do their work. It was great!
There are still things I need and want to tweak (spelling, for instance). But for the most part, I'm very happy with our curriculum choices and am looking forward to learning right alongside the kids.
I'll try and include pics each week... since that makes blog posts (at least mine) SO much more interesting! I didn't take any pictures this week, so I'll just include the kids' first day of school pictures.
First off is Cade. With his pseudo-smile. **sigh** Some day we'll get him to smile genuinely for the camera.
Then there's Claire Bear. She never takes a bad picture. I'm actually jealous of her.
And finally, Jack. I can't get him to smile for the camera nowadays if his life depended on it. He was in between making lame faces at the camera and greatly annoying me in the process when I caught him laughing. Success!
And of course, I promised the kids that they could take a silly picture if they would just sit still long enough for me to get some pics of them.
Hope your school year is off to a great start too!