Many of you probably don't know that I love power tools. Love them. Scott bought me my first one many Christmases ago. It was a circular saw. The Sears sales clerk asked Scott if he could help him pick out a saw for himself. Scott sheepishly told the sales guy that it was for his wife. After a dubious look from the clerk, Scott proceeded to buy me my first tool (As an aside, he also bought me Mary Kay makeup that Christmas to balance things out).
Since then, I've inherited a jigsaw, nail gun, and router stand. I've also purchased a table saw and router (with both fixed and plunge bases). But I haven't used them in a while.
My mom mentioned that it would be nice if the kids had a book rack in their bathroom. Currently, they have a small side table in the bathroom (which gets in the way of everything) to put their books on. But not only is the table in the way, the books constantly slide off of it onto the floor. With the book rack, we could eliminate the table
AND the mess of books on the floor.
She mentioned that she had seen a book rack in the catalog
Land of Nod (which has way cute but overpriced children's furnishings).
It was way cute, but, accordingly, overpriced at $60. I figured, "I can make that! I just couldn't pay $60 for that!"
So last Tuesday, I bought my lumber and set to work. In less then 2 hours, I had built my own book rack.
Of course I still need to caulk, prime and paint it. But for 1/3 the price, and some fun time spent outside with my beloved tools, I made the kids a book rack. And I even have some material left over to build some for friends and church!
I'll get a picture up when it's painted and installed... I promise!